Roebuck Primary School – An Independent Public School (IPS): Broome Cluster
2013 was the inaugural year for Roebuck Primary School as an Independent Public School (IPS).Becoming an IPS has provided further opportunity for our school to operate and maximize organizational and management flexibilities that have assisted in becoming more flexible in addressing contextual needs of our student and school community.Roebuck Primary School is governed by a School Board that provides governance and school direction as published in the School Business Plan. The School Board meets twice per term.
Roebuck Primary School, as an Independent Public School (IPS), joined in a federation arrangement with the other public schools in Broome to form the Broome Cluster of Schools: five schools one community. The cluster arrangement allows us the flexibilities to work together and maximize opportunities where we share a common purpose and outcomes. Whilst all schools work together, each retains their unique community context that is reflective of our unique and diverse Broome culture.
Our proactive and energetic Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association contribute supplementary funding that assists in considerable purchases of school items to support academic and non-academic school projects in addition to providing a range of events and activities that add to the strong community atmosphere. Our School: Expectations and Standards
Long-term staff who experienced the significant annual growth and high turnover of school administration in these fledgling years have worked hard with new members of the team to develop a school culture of high expectations and standards in academic and non-academic priorities which we believe will put all students in good stead for their immediate and long-term educational experiences.
Roebuck Primary School operates where there are clear Roebuck standards and expectations for each year level and these are supported through a collaborative ‘whole-school’ approach with a specific focus on numeracy and literacy outcomes linked to national Australian Curriculum outcomes. Our staff are active participants in using systemic (NAPLAN) and school-based data and respond to evidenced-based, data informed practices where curriculum leaders and teams plan the best way to address school and student needs.
Our school is focused on achievements that place us above the Australian mean as expressed in data on the MySchools website.
The school administration team (Principal, Deputy Principals and Manager Corporate Services) are active participants involved in class observations, professional conversations with teachers and are proactive members in respective line management teams, in addition to the management and operational duties typically allocated to administrators.
Our cleaners, gardeners, office staff, school nurse, school psychologist and Education Assistants ALL contribute in making our school a safe and inclusive learning environment. A range of health and allied professionals contribute to assist student and class programs through a Student Service process. These staff include speech and occupational therapists, staff from School of Special Needs: Disability / Vision / Sensory; English as a Second Language, links to community support programs and resources…and where identified and applicable, the school assists in accessing specific support persons to address student needs.
Roebuck Primary School - Specialist staff include:
Physical Education (Phys-ed), Science, Music and LOTE. Additionally, the school has a Student Services Co-ordinator who assists, through a formal process, teachers, parents and students to access specialist support for a range of specific, diagnosed or confidential needs.
All staff take on additional duties, roles and responsibilities to ensure we can provide the most inclusive, balanced and educationally rewarding school not only in the Kimberley but within the state.
Our whole school approach ensures there is legitimate connection between all year levels and that a strong foundation in Kindergarten will support the progress, achievement and success of subsequent years.
Ownership and leadership amongst staff of the academic and non-academic priorities and focus areas at our school ensure there is strong connection with our students and wider school community.
We have provided further brief information to this on our school website, including links to sites that may provide greater detail to assist in creating an informed profile of our fantastic school and wider school community.
On behalf of Roebuck Primary School staff, students and community.
Nikki SandilandsPrincipal